CADDManager on June 4th, 2007

Anybody want to volunteer to have Autodesk collect info about your working habits?

Well at least they ask… Google just does it without asking.

I saw this screen when I opened my newly installed copy of Revit Architecture 2008

Now I am not a “conspiracy theory” or “big brother’s watching” kind of guy, but this did stop me short. Do I want Autodesk collecting info from my machine directly without me knowing what they are getting? So I did a little checking…

Have I made up my mind yet… I am still thinking it through. Not that I distrust Autodesk. I have probably given them more info about me than they could ever collect from my AutoCAD or Revit use. But I am still thinking it through. More to come. In the mean time…

Here is some info from the Autodesk website…

What is the Customer Involvement Program?

The Customer Involvement Program (CIP) is a program that dramatically improves the way Autodesk designs software and measures performance and quality. It lets customers be involved in helping make Autodesk products better meet their needs and the needs of the larger community of users.

Included in nearly all of Autodesk latest product releases, CIP automatically collects information about software features usage, system configuration and software errors from those customers that choose to participate. About once a day, a small file containing CIP information is sent to Autodesk

3 Responses to “Autodesk Customer Involvement Program”

  1. We are not evil.

  2. on the same theme, can u tell me if the file acad162_icon.exe file is data mining in the background . my virus scanner picked up that file as being a threat. i erased the file and acad.exe file remains, and opens the program ok, with no apparent change from before.what is acad162_icon.exe doing that acad.exe doesnt?

  3. JTB World checked this out also and found it to not really be a threat.

    and also…

    The Autodesk Discussion groups

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