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ADT 2006 Options - Part 1

Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006 adds several tabs to the standard AutoCAD 2006 Options dialog box. We will take a look at these options beginning with the AEC Editor Tab. It is located all the way to the right after the standard Tabs. It is the first of many tabs dedicated to ADT settings.

The AEC Editor settings are saved in your Windows registry.

The first area helps define when you will see diagnostic info. I would leave this area alone. No need to mess with any of these settings at this point. All diagnostic messages are turned off by default. I have one checked just to see if I see any difference in performance or interaction. You can leave yours set to off.

The next area is called Similar-Purpose Dialogs. This allows you to have the dialogs pop up in the same place when you are using them. Some dialog boxes act whatever why they choose no matter what you check here. By default - they are both checked on.

The third area is Optimize for Speed. Hey - this is getting very interesting. A check box to make my old dog machine crank it out!

Under Optimize for Speed, select Object Snap to limit certain display representations to respond only to the Node and Insert object snaps. So you won't have all those snap points to worry about. Now my machine is flying - not really - I am kind of disappointed... : >(

This setting will apply to stair, railing, space boundary, multi-view block, masking, slice, and clip volume objects.


Property Sets define characteristics that are attached to objects.  Let say you created a PSet named DoorProps that contains property definitions like DoorNumber, DoorWidth, and FireRating. Each property has a name, description, data type, data format, and default value.

These sets can be automatically applied to an Object.  For example, when you apply the properties of a door to an existing window, a new door object is created in place of the existing window. With this setting enabled, any property sets that were assigned to the existing window will automatically be preserved and applied to the new door provided that the property set definitions in question applies to both types of objects.

The last option in this first column is related to Units and Palettes.

The Units for Legacy Drawings will let you force the units to Imperial or Metric as you open an older file.  If you set it to Automatic, then whatever units you have set at the time the file is opened will define the value.

Palette Theme: allows you to set who will control your world Autodesk or Microsoft.  Palettes will take on differing look and feel depending on who you let dominate your desktop.  You have to restart ADT to get this to kick in.